The tween talk workshops have been designed and developed for girls aged 8-12 years.
There are currently four workshops, All of the topics have been chosen because of their
relevance to pre-teen girls.
Navigating Friendships in a Girls' world
It is well documented that there are enormous benefits to healthy friendships in both childhood and adulthood, however navigating friendships throughout pre-teen years can be challenging and difficult. As your tweens friendships start to become more important to her, it is crucial for her to be able to seek out healthy relationships and identify the negative ones.
This workshop covers a number of topics including what healthy friendships look and feel like. We will discuss the changing dynamics between tween girls, how to handle issues when they pop up in friendship groups, how to spot a toxic friendship and what to do about it. We will also explore what qualities are important in friendships, how to be a good friend, and identify what characteristics each girl has that makes them a great friends to others.
During puberty your pre-teen's emotions can become intense and unpredictable. Mood swings are common, and emotions such as frustration, confusion and anger can be the norm. This can lead to increased conflict and difficulty handling challenges and obstacles thrown their way.
This workshop will help your tween explore these intense emotions and help them to understand the link between the emotional changes they experience and puberty. We will discuss the wide range of challenges and obstacles your tween faces day to day, and what sort of feelings and emotions these events bring to the surface. We will help your pre-teen understand that feelings and emotions are normal, while highlighting that dealing with situations while emotional may not always elicit the best outcome. We will specifically teach your pre-teen how to respond to situations, rather than be reactive, and provide them with the tools they need to accomplish this. They will learn how to deal with challenges more calmly and how to problem solve through any situation.
Problem solving without the DRAMA!
EveryBODY is Beautiful!
As we live in a world that is strongly focused on beauty and perfection, our girls are exposed to unrealistic ideals of how they should look. This is coupled with the idea that the way we look is extremely important and that this is what people base their judgements on, rather than looking at who we are. This workshop has been developed to target our girls while they are forming views around their appearance and body.
During our workshop we will cover what body image is and what it means to be body positive +, what factors shape our views on appearance ie Society and the Media, we will increase your daughters media literacy by educating her around both professional and social media, we’ll teach her all the tricks they use to create the perfect picture and break down any myths that exist around people looking 'perfect', we will normalise and celebrate diversity by looking at different appearance, body shapes and sizes and learn why we look the way we do, she will learn the importance of accepting, appreciating and celebrating her body, and we will also be highlighting that her appearance is such a small part of who she is!
Secret Girls' business!
Puberty is a time when your child will undergo many physical, emotional and mental changes. This can be a very overwhelming time when pre-teens will experience a range of emotions including anxiety, fear and for some excitement. Providing more information to young people about puberty can help to lessen the anxiety and assist them feel more confident and prepared about what lays ahead.
This workshop will focus on providing girls with information around puberty and what to expect. We will explore the many emotions that girls feel about going through puberty and help them to understand these emotions are normal and common between peers. We will cover both the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty, giving them specific information about what to expect. We will identify any fears they may have and work to decrease their concerns. We will also discuss how their changing bodies may bring up some different emotions and thoughts about their physical appearance and discuss how this may affect self-esteem.